Workshops 2016

Notwestminster workshops identOur participants are very much in control of the content of this event, so we’ve been inviting you to share your ideas for workshop sessions over the past few weeks.

This year all the workshops are inspired by our Design Challenges for Local Democracy, which were crowdsourced from our Notwestminster network.

Our 2016 workshops

Notwestminster 2016 workshop grid & live notes

Session one – 10.30am to 11.30am:

Session two – 12 noon to 1pm:

Session three – 2.30pm to 3.30pm:

Turning ideas into action

We’ve also set all our workshop hosts a new challenge. The participants in each workshop will be encouraged to come up with a new idea for redesigning local democracy. This should be something practical that anyone who wants to help with can get on with doing straight away. At the end of the day we’ll bring everyone together for our Ideas Bazaar, where we’ll share our ideas, have few drinks and begin to talk about what we might do next.

Thank you very much to everyone who has already accepted the challenge. We hope that we’ll give you a head start by getting the conversations under way in the weeks before the event. 

Ideas Bazaar

Notwestminster 2016