Workshops 2017

Notwestminster workshops identOur participants are very much in control of the content of this event, so each year we invite you to share your ideas for Notwestminster workshop sessions.

In 2017 all the workshops were based around themes inspired by discussions with our local citizens as part of the Kirklees Democracy Commission. The Commission is a unique and important piece of work for local democracy in the UK, which is taking a health check on our local democracy and coming up with ideas for making it stronger.

Our 2017 workshops

Notwestminster 2017 workshop grid & live notes


Session one – 10.30am to 11.30am:


Session two – 12 noon to 1pm:


Session three – 2.30pm to 3.30pm:

Turning ideas into action

As usual, we set all our workshop hosts a challenge. The participants in each workshop were encouraged to come up with a new idea for a practical experiment that we can all try out where we live or work. We were looking for things that test out new ways of involving people in local democracy and decision-making. 

At the end of the day we brought everyone together for our Ideas Bazaar, where we shared our ideas, had a few drinks and began to talk about what we might do next. 

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Notwestminster email network or follow us @LDBytes to find out more.

Notwestminster 2017